Remarrying in Skyrim, posssible?

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I play on ps3 and have dawnguard downloaded. So am i doing something wrong? I hope the next patch fixes this, because I really do need to change this wife.

Quite a few of the eligible bachelors are capable of being your follower. Even if was a homosexual marriage, so what?

Remarrying in Skyrim, posssible? - Back to topic if I married in Skyrim. I would pull a powersp and knock her off a cliff.

Yep, as ThatsWhat said, you are unable to get married again after marrying once - you can only get married ONE time in the game. This stands even if your wife dies. If you're interested, you might want to read our for more information. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. You can remarry if your wife dies - you just have to wait. A courier will show up, offer his sympathies and some coin - then you're free to marry again. There's also a way to do this on PC using a code typed into the console, but I don't use a PC so you can just google it if need be. Sad the only way to remarry is to off your wife but apparently people don't mind doing it. I want to remarry but I don't want to kill my wife, Ria. I'm a loyal Companion! But I'm not sharing a room with her and three roommates! It would be fun if you could remarry and have the new wife move in the same town like in the fable games , I had two wives and moved them in side by side in bowerstone and would come home and they would be fighting over me that would be great to see in this game or future elder scroll's games wink , wink I wish that Bethesda makes a remarriage patch. The only reason I killed my wife Aela is because she was being all glitchy she'd pull out her weapon and then chase me and initiate conversation and then as soon as I back out she does the same thing again I'm just saying I feel like I got kinda screwed over in that regard.

Skyrim: How to get married
My apologies Click to expand. None of it's real, and as long as it's acknowledged that way, then it's not weird. Lost a lot of data. We all wanna kill our spouses at some point s or other. Well on the advice of del I'ma decline to answer that. One way to spend your excess gold is through training. I murder, steal, cheat, etc. I know, you're gonna say Not me!.